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Notandaspjall:Hoo man

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Latest comment: fyrir 12 árum by Spacebirdy in topic javascript help

Hello, please explain why you are removing code here and there, I get it you did replace http for this, but why removing essential code. Thank, --geimfyglið (:> )=| 13. janúar 2012 kl. 21:48 (UTC)Reply

While fixing those security issues, I on the run fixed other critical bugs. The things changed shouldn't affect how the site works in any manner, cause everything I removed has been replaced with a newer/ better function. (Eg. the document.writes can fully break the page (blank it) and the $() function crashed jQuery). If you got anything that isn't working as it did before, please report it, thanks - Hoo man (spjall) 13. janúar 2012 kl. 21:53 (UTC)Reply
Ok, found my error in the mean time (I forgot Melding:Monobook.js), should be fixed now (you might have to clear your cache to see it), I'm sorry for the troubles - Hoo man (spjall) 13. janúar 2012 kl. 21:58 (UTC)Reply
Thanks a lot and don't be sorry! Best, --geimfyglið (:> )=| 13. janúar 2012 kl. 22:05 (UTC)Reply

javascript help


Dear Hoo man, please could you help me in making the auto-redirect work again, I don't know since when it does not work, but in the past it did, I just stumbled into it not working by clicking on a link I just moved [1], the code is in the Melding:Common.js and it is

function doRedirect() {
  var dym = document.getElementById('varstu-ad-leita')
  var wiktDYMfrom= window.location.href.replace(/^(.+[&\?]rdfrom=([^&]+).*|.*)?$/,"$2");
  var wiktRndLang= window.location.href.replace(/^(.+[&\?]rndLang=([^&]+).*|.*)?$/,"$2");
  if( window.location.href.indexOf('rdfrom=')!=-1 ) {
    var insertPosition= document.getElementById("siteSub");
    var div=document.createElement("div");
      var tt=document.createElement('tt');
      var lnk =document.createElement('a');
      lnk.setAttribute("href",wgArticlePath.replace("$1",wiktDYMfrom)+ '?redirect=no');
      lnk.className="new"; //As they are redlinks
      div.appendChild(document.createTextNode("(Sjálf-tilvísað frá "));
      } else {
        alert('No insertposition');
 // DID YOU MEAN - varstu að leita að...
      if( dym 
          && !window.location.href.match(/[&\?]redirect=no/)
          && (getCookie('WiktionaryDisableAutoRedirect') != 'true')
        ) {
      var target = dym.firstChild.title;
      var pagetitle = document.getElementsByTagName('h1')[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
      if( pagetitle != target 
          && pagetitle.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z]/g, "") == target.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z]/g, "")
          && wgAction != "edit"
          && !(document.getElementById('contentSub') && document.getElementById('contentSub').innerHTML.indexOf("Redirected from")>=0) // does contentSub always exist
        ) {
        document.location = wgArticlePath.replace("$1",encodeURIComponent(target.replace(/\ /g, "_")))
                          + '?rdfrom=' + encodeURIComponent(pagetitle.replace(/ /g,"_"));

The thing it should do is to auto redirect if the entry exists in upper/lower case already and give a redlink in case someone wants to create the entry anyway. Also we can disable it in the preferences: Wikiorðabók:Stillingar.

Melancholie did make it work in the past, but I can't reach him anymore (unfortunately).

Kind thanks in advance for any help, best regards, --geimfyglið (:> )=| 2. apríl 2012 kl. 20:15 (UTC)Reply

I've fixed that and changed a few other things in the script (replaced deprecated functions and such). If it still doesn't work for you, please clear your cache. Feel free to ask for further fixes - Hoo man (spjall) 2. apríl 2012 kl. 20:35 (UTC)Reply
Great!! (and fast) :) Kind thanks! --geimfyglið (:> )=| 2. apríl 2012 kl. 20:39 (UTC)Reply